AMID ABSURDITIES and dysfunctionalities exposed by the disintegrating U.S. electoral system, a seemingly pivotal moment has arrived regarding German support for Ukraine in the latter’s struggle to survive the onslaught of the disintegrating Russian military threat.
The sabotage of the Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline, two years ago, may be — probably is — a major factor in political jockeying in Germany that may — probably will — result in significant changes in the kinds and levels of German support in 2025 and beyond. A lot of work, a lot of very specialized materials and equipment, and a lot of money (a lot of it German) went into the conduit laid on the bed of the Baltic Sea between a Russian fuel terminal and a German one.
Two years ago, a small and mysterious task force set out from . . . Denmark, was it? — and seemingly somehow blew some big holes in the submerged pipe. All that construction effort, all that investment: Poof! Useless. Instead of highly profitable fumes spewing out over Germany and beyond, a cadre of fat cats were left fuming. And a major economic fulcrum held by Russia over Germany was wrecked, and along with it the cash cow that fed the Russian military machine.
(A previous article here detailed the linkage between key economic developments and a crucial portion of the current Russian national chart: the opposition between Venus and Pluto.)
The chart for the NordStream pipeline event shows a big issue and murky information.
Notice the very New Moon in the nocturnal chart, indicating maximum darkness, essential for a covert operation on and under open water. A Libra New Moon, when solar energy is rapidly weakening over the Northern Hemisphere: Sun in sign of “fall,” seasonally as well as in terms of cooperative enterprise. Moon combust, consumed in the solar glare during the darkness of the wee hours before dawn, when Moon is luminary of sect.
No wonder the murky mystery in the fog over the briny deep, and no wonder the large significance, including legally: New Moon in tight opposition to Jupiter. And all three bodies arranged in the third / ninth place axis of the chart: the regions concerned with transportation / transmission / communication, along with inter-national relations.
In addition, the Mercury - Venus combination in opposition to Neptune represents confusion, deception and economic loss, as well as delays in determination of who and what was involved. Mercury retrograde in the 2022 chart indicates that some time and considerable investigation would be required — and that they might not be sufficient to resolve the matter. Venus in Virgo, also sign of fall, points toward economic losses, especially with Venus’ location in the second place: money matters. Neptune opposite in the eighth: the roles of marine complexities and those of large-scale finance.
The extended period of Saturn’s transit square with Uranus — linking closely with the astro-geometry of the aforementioned Venus - Pluto opposition — points to the importance of that time frame as crucial in the lengthy process of destroying the supports for the Russian resource export economy. Thus, the sizable nest egg for conducting war was tapped: now spent.
The overlay of the NordStream event configuration upon the current national chart for Germany underscores its importance.
Notice how Mercury - Venus - Neptune in the NordStream chart align with Mercury in the Germany chart; how Sun - Moon - Jupiter in NordStream link with Venus - Sun in Germany; how the two Mars (conflict) positions are close. Mars by transit in August 2024 reiterated the latter theme.
Small wonder that military matters for Germany are in an accentuated state of flux, and that a prime factor is the application of seized Russian assets to pay for subsequent aid for Ukraine.
08 August 2024: Mars return in Germany chart
25 August 2024: Venus transit conjunct Mercury in Germany chart
23 September 2024: Mercury transit conjunct Mercury in Germany chart
< zoidion >
Copyright 2024 by Peter Doughty. All rights reserved.
>> Instagram: a_to_z_astrology <<
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References and Rabbit Holes
“Germany to halt . . . ,” Politico, 17 August 2024.
“Germany plans to halve . . . ,” BBC News, 17 July 2024.
“Pentagon leaders head to Germany,” AP News, 05 September 2024.
*** Author is available for personal consultations. ***
Nicely done! In my Virgo Season 2024 preview, I mentioned the Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces transit as one that was forming at the time of this disaster, and wondered if maybe some new information about this event would be shared, so maybe your article was that info for me!
Anyway, good call on looking at Germany’s chart for more insight into this mysterious yet important matter. It’ll be interesting if further news is revealed.