Poof, Like
THAT. THE final moment in the previously largely unknown, now notorious life of one Brian Thompson, late chief executive officer of one apparently quite large “healthcare” corporation in these stretched-to-breaking United States of America. One moment that struck a chord with a lot of denizens of such states.
Deep in the corporate canyons of New York, rather like a movie script that David Fincher would sculpt visually.
So now — freshly laid out on a slab as offering to the now-christened era of Pluto in Aquarius — Thompson enters the halls of American crime fame.
Who was he? Going by little more than astrological surmise and a few reported facts, he was Sol in Cancer, just like the USA, as American as apple pie, born out of the Iowa cornfields and hog pens. It’s a mostly easy-going nature, except when emotionally stirred, which is often, as frequently as Luna’s steady monthly course. He’d be sensitive, serious and self-effacing, even shy and talk-challenged — Sol with Saturn and a retrograde Mercury. The latter suggests educational challenges that would may have been labeled as impaired or somehow “different” for the first several years of life, until progressed Mercury appeared stationary.
That’s getting a bit ahead of this observer’s astrological analysis process. That all started with an impression from a still photo, recent or not, unknown: Taurus rising, going beyond the white-guy-well-fed-from-Iowa expectation. Taurus rising means Uranus the disruptor moving through the first place in his birth chart. Ok, maybe. Uranus’ style features suddenness, the out-of-the-blue . . . until one endeavors to look past the surface, the initial reportage.
Transit Uranus on the day of the murder was at twenty-five Taurus: a degree to try out for a speculative chart’s ascendant.
Confirming — maybe — the ascendant is the upper meridian, signifying one’s most public exposure, the self as lightning rod for collective purposes. That’s one way that transit Pluto at personal mid-heaven can manifest. It can be summarized as being laid bare in a public way, like an execution in a public place, for example.
For a prospective nocturnal chart, Luna’s placement is crucial. Here, probably in watery Pisces and with Jupiter, Luna’s significance is enlarged in scope. Here, possibly in the eleventh place, the pair correlates with a calling to negotiate the emotionally complex realm of insurance involving medical crises. Nasty territory, a lot of distraught folks along the way, a continual barrage of testimony about malfunction, malfeasance — whatever it is, it starts with “mal-”. Someone with this sort of astro arrangement would be likely drawn toward such an environment on a long-term basis: the nature of the eleventh place.
Jupiter, always on the verge of too-much, here is out-of-sect and retrograde, correlating with choices from the past — ethical choices touching on issues of compassion — catching up with him, perhaps long after (perceived) offenses.
The exact trine between Sol and Jupiter — which means Jupiter at station, therefore extra “potent” — is apt to appear when the subject has been granted, cosmically speaking, a boon: a life marked by eminence acquired with seeming ease. Does the native coast, does s/he endeavor to harness the abundance for the greater good?
A couple more points: Venus on that birth date — a Wednesday, but still Tuesday’s child if pre-dawn — was at seventeen Gemini, conjunct the south lunar node. That could indicate someone enamored with ideas about money, without coming in essential contact with the tangible realm; it would be the easier path, as if congenitally habitual.
Highly significantly, the transiting Mercury - Jupiter opposition was exactly aligned with natal Venus, both planets retrograde, each in the sign of its exile: its greatest challenge to its function. Sure, Mercury opposes Jupiter every year, but not in this sign combination, and not with Mercury also retrograde. Synthesizing meaningful significance is a large challenge in itself, yet one theme seems apparent: the extremely skewed sense of proportion in some of the larger spectacles currently unfolding, between the corporate and the individual, for example.
In this speculative chart, this action, this mercurial / jovian buzz, is focused on the second / eighth place axis: the realms of personal money, obligations, death, and wagers on health and life: the latter being the essence of the insurance industry.
The second point is the Mars station, thirteen degrees behind Mars’ natal position. The extended, hovering opposition between Mars and Pluto shows high danger for those whose natal charts resonate with it, such as this one. Mars’ “failure” to reach the place of natal Mars until months later shows extreme vulnerability.
Another consideration is profection, emphasizing one zone of the chart each year, depending on age. At age fifty, the third place is that zone, containing natal Sol, Mercury and Saturn. It’s not a life-affirming combination: Sol in Cancer, beginning when Sol begins its Northern Hemisphere retreat from maximum light, last sign from Sol’s domicile in Leo. Saturn, out-of-sect and in exile, bringing extremely malefic potentials to the fore.
The Full Moon of fruition previous to the event — Full Moon conjunct Taurus — signaled the Big Surprise: the Big Sleep.
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Copyright 2024 by Peter Doughty. All rights reserved.
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References and Rabbit Holes
“Astrology . . . Brian Thompson,” Talking Astrology with Archie, 08 December 2024.
*** Author is available for personal consultations. ***